5 Real Estate Marketing Ideas & Tips
- Written by NewsServices.com

The real estate market is buzzing right now, but it still remains an ulta-competitive industry. To set yourself apart from the competition, you need to stay on top of your marketing efforts; let things slide for even just a minute, and you’ll lose market position.
Let’s get straight to the point: here are 5 real estate marketing ideas you can implement today. Doesn’t take much investment, just a little creativity and hard work.Capture Leads with Home Valuations
Having a ‘Join Our Email List!’ button on your website isn’t going to work; what’s in it for the customer? You need to give them something of value, if they’re going to send you their personal information.
To offer a fair exchange deal, consider adding a home valuation tool to your website. The report will be 100% free, but the user needs to give you the address of the property they want to sell, and their contact details.The prepared report (which can be done automatically through third-party services) can then be sent to the potential customer’s email. You can then follow up and offer your services. No obligations, just a gentle reminder that you’re there to help sell their property.
Don’t Forget Traditional Mail
Current marketing advice is all about digital. Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc. It makes sense. There are plenty of leads you can obtain by focusing on your online efforts. But that doesn’t mean you should completely ignore traditional marketing methods.
Direct mail still works. It works better than ever, actually. This is because most businesses are ignoring it, meaning that email inboxes are full, but physical letterboxes are basically empty.For example, think about sending out real estate leaflets to help highlight properties you have for sale. These will not only help sell your inventory, but will also lead to winning more leaflets from interested sellers. There are several ways you can go about using leaflets in your campaigns; be creative!
Get a Professional Photographer and Videographer
When it comes to selling homes, it’s all about first impressions. You know all about that. It’s why you prep homes before showing them, why they need to be in the best condition possible.
However, it’s surprising just how many realtors forget this golden rule when it comes to marketing materials. Shoddy photographs and videos, terrible lighting, illogical angles, it’s so common. Set yourself apart by hiring an actual photographer and/or videographer who knows what they’re doing.
And no, a ‘standard’ photographer/videographer is not going to work. Don’t skimp here; pros have good equipment, professional video maker tools and good experience in the real estate market won’t be that much more expensive, but the work will be far better. Don’t think about it in terms of how much you’re paying, but ROI.
Use (Free) Digital Tools
Website owners these days have a bunch of free tools at their disposal. It’s amazing just how much can be done without spending a penny. But perhaps even more incredible is just how few businesses leverage what’s available.
Marketing is all about using data. Without it, you’re operating in the dark. To ensure your time and money is being spent in places where you’ll get results, use tools like Google Analytics to fine-tune your efforts. You can get free training from Google; don’t worry, being a beginner is totally fine.Become a Known Expert
You don’t have to be a featured expert on a site like Queensland Property Experts to build your reputation, you can build it yourself. You know what you’re doing when it comes to real estate, right? It makes sense to advertise that and get business that way. For example, set up free webinars for potential sellers. They’ll have a bunch of questions and once they realize you have all the answers, they may consider engaging your company.
You can also write detailed blog posts, answer questions on Reddit, start a real estate podcast, create a YouTube Channel, you name it. Just try and build a name for yourself in the market. For many sellers, it’s all about trust and expertise. If they feel like you have both, you’re in.