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Maximise The Fun During A Visit At The Aquarium

Taking your child to the aquarium is a wonderful way to introduce him to the underwater world. Here are some tips on how to visit a big success.

Kids love water, whether they are jumping into puddles or playing in the water fountain. Imagine when he sees an entire world of creatures living underwater at the aquarium. With glass enclosures at the kids' eye level, the aquarium is designed for kids to immerse themselves into the underwater world and see how life thrives in the ocean. Click here

Not only will your child have a great time watching fish, but he will have many opportunities to learn things, like the different colours that you point out on the various sea life and how living things grow, just like how he grows. The place can be overwhelming, so doing some planning ahead of time will help your child have the best experience during his visit.

Before You Arrive

In very simple terms, describe to your young child how the place looks like. For instance, if your small child has a fear of the dark, then explain to him that the aquarium might feel cold and dark because that is how to fish like it in their world.

If you think the aquarium workers dressed in their bulky scuba gear will frighten your toddler, warn him ahead of time by explaining that the scuba divers have to wear a special suit when they are in the water taking care of the fish.

Make sure you plan a schedule for your visit. Young children will get tired after a couple of hours of walking around, so be sure to have time to visit his favourite attractions during this time. Live activities like touching specimens in a tidepool model designed for hands-on experience is sure to be a highlight.

If your little one still needs the stroller, make sure you understand what the aquarium's policy is. Sometimes you are not allowed to take your stroller inside because the space between the tanks is not wide enough. If your young child does not have enough stamina to walk, you might want to save the visit until he is a little older.

During Your Aquarium Visit

Try these fun and educational activities when you and your little one start exploring the aquarium.

- Spy, the Underwater Edition: Have your child spot different colours as you take him through the displays. See if he can find a crab, a shell, etc. Then, have him be the spier and challenge you to find something.

- Fish Face: Find a big fish and tell your child how the face of a fish is different from a human face. Talk about how the fish breathes with its gills, how they do not blink, etc. Imitate a fish face and have him make a face along with you. You are sure to get a giggle out of him.

When A Meltdown Is Coming

Sometimes the aquarium environment, with the crowds and all the activities, can be overstimulating to your young child. When he feels overwhelmed, he becomes cranky and unhappy. If you see signs of that, take him somewhere for a break, like an aquarium café, where he and you can rest and have a snack. If, after the break, he still seems a bit whiny, it might be time to take him home. You can try another visit in a month or two.

The gift shop with all kinds of fun aquarium toys on display is sure to grab your child's attention. Decide in advance how you will approach this. If you don't plan to spend anything, avoid browsing because your child will see something that he wants. Just take him through the store quickly. One thing you can do is to bring along a fish toy from home and keep it in your purse until your child whines for a toy to play with. If that doesn't work, don't worry. The store clerk has probably seen many kids throw a tantrum when they grabbed something from a shelf and their mother told them to put it back.