Know all about document workflow automation
- Written by NewsCo

If you make use of document workflow automation, it would allow you to convert the existing types of documents that are used most frequently, into automated forms. Whether you are in a law firm, an accounting firm, a bank or an insurance company that generates documents for clients, you will find that the Document Workflow Automation Sydney can significantly benefit your company!
It can automate document workflow management to provide organisations document consistency and save them a significant amount of time. If you’re looking for document workflow automation in Sydney, get in touch with Checkbox and request for a demo to know more about the software offered by Checkbox and also all its features.
Document Automation
Document workflow management is an activity that is repeated in an organization requiring resources to create a contract, correspondence, a pleading, agreements and more. With the help of software equipped with automated document workflow capabilities, you can easily eliminate the burden of informal communications, paper-overload, relying on spreadsheets and much more.
Steps to automate a document workflow in your business:
The basic steps required to automate document workflow using automation software includes the following:
· Selecting the document you would like to automate.
· Knowing the main stages of a document that helps in creating a diagram of what goes in each document and what information gets changed from document to document like a client’s name etc.
· Link any related forms. You might link a civil cover sheet to summons, a notice of service, response to some request and even motions. All the documents would have the same parties and might deal with the same basic facts of the case
· Define any documents that might get attached to the initial document. For example, a complaint might require a summons. Hence, you would set the compliant as an attachment to the summons and a civil cover sheet for a civil case.
· Finally, automate the documents.
Using document automation in an organisation:
The ways you can use document workflow automation in an organisation are seemingly endless and might vary by industry. One organisation might be willing to automate its various retainer agreements and invoice requests. Consider a law firm as an example - the law firm may have different practices such as family law, bankruptcy and personal injury; it could customise the billing practices for each type.
Each retainer agreement would have much of the same information, including the attorney’s hourly rate, services, costs for items such as postage and copies and so on. With the help of document automation software, the system asks for the type of case, client’s name, type of payment and the amount. You do not run the risk of mistakenly deleting paragraphs or words. You also reduce the risk of having an employee choose an incorrect document and agreement.
Besides, it also gives your organisation a more professional image. The software offered by Checkbox is one of the best document workflow automation software in Sydney. Request for Demo if you would like to know more about the features offered by this software.