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Social media darling, Sydney fashion retailer Showpo selects Adyen to create tailored and seamless payment experiences for its international customers across 80 markets.


SYDNEY,AUSTRALIA - Media OutReach - 24 October 2017 - Adyen, the payments platform of choice for the world's leading companies, today announced that online retailer Show Pony Group (Showpo) has selected Adyen as its payments partner in line with its global expansion. With the partnership in place, Showpo, one of Australia's largest online fashion sites, will be able to cater to the payment needs of customers from more than 80 countries around the world.  


Founded in 2010, Showpo has grown substantially, withrevenueprojected to increase to over AU$30 million. Muchofthissuccesshasbeendrivenbyinnovativeandcreativeuseofsocialmediaplatformstoreachcustomers, particularlyInstagram, wherethebrandboastsmorethan 1.3 millionfollowers[1].


"In order to thrive in the competitive fashion industry, businesses like ours need to build scale quickly and effectively. Adyengivesusthe dataandrisk management options that help us grow our customer base by offering a consistent, frictionless payment experience," saysJaneLu, founderandCEOofShowpo. "ByworkingwithAdyen, weareabletoofferabroaderrangeofpaymentoptionstoourglobalcustomers, enablingeasiercustomerconversion."


Currently, Showpo'sinternationalsalessitat 35% ofitstotalrevenue -- afiguretheyexpecttoseeexpandinthenearfuture[2].


"Socialmediahas been a cost-effective way for us tobuildourbrandveryquickly," saysMsLu. "It has alsohelpedreachasignificantinternationalcustomerbase, whichweforecast tomakeup 50% ofoursaleswithinacoupleofyears. By 2020, wehopetobuildShowpointoanAU$100 millionbusiness, withnoexternalfunding."


Africtionlesspaymentsprocessiscrucial for customer conversion, andShowpobelievesAdyenis the idealprovider ofthemosteffectivesolutionfortheirspecificneeds. Adyen's purpose-built platformhas allowedShowpotooffer paymentmethods including Alipay, UnionPay, WeChat Pay, as well as Sofort, CarteBancaire and iDeal.The dynamic platform also helps increase card authorization rates while minimizingfraudwithdata-backedstrategies. WithAdyen'spaymentsplatforminplace, Showpocanbuildscalequicklyandeffectively by makingeverycustomerinteractioncount.


"Adyen'snamehasbeensynonymouswithtopbrandsdisruptingtheindustryglobally," saysMichelvanAalten, CountryManagerAUNZforAdyen. "WeunderstandShowpo'sneedsasafast-growingbusiness, andlookforwardtohelpingdrivemoreglobalcustomerconversionsforthebrand."


For more information about Adyen's business solutions, please visit www.adyen.com.


About Adyen

Adyen is the payments platform of choice for the world's leading companies. The only provider of a modern end-to-end infrastructure connecting directly to Visa, MasterCard, and consumers' globally preferred payment methods, Adyen delivers frictionless payments across online, mobile, and in-store. With offices all around the world, Adyen serves more than 4,500 businesses, including 8 of the 10 largest US Internet companies. Customers include Facebook, Uber, Netflix, Spotify, L'Oreal, MJ Bale, Freelancer and Kogan.com.


About Showpo

Showpo started off as Show Pony in a tiny garage when Jane, the founder & CEO, realised the confines of boring cubicle life just wasn't for her. She recognised a gap in the market for fun, affordable fashion so using social media, quickly grew the brand and seven years later, has no chance of slowing down. Showpo currently has over 40 happy team members, an impressive 3M+ social following, sells to 80 countries and is turning over AU$30 million annually. Our vision is to be her go-to place to shop, and by 2020, we want to be dominating the global fashion space with an AU$100M run-rate and no external funding.

[1] https://www.instagram.com/showpo/?hl=en

[2] https://www.pedestrian.tv/tech/showpo-lazy-ceo-jane-lu-announces-25m-in-future-sales-tween-domination/

Source http://www.media-outreach.com/release.php/View/4172#Contact